Finding Magic In The Mundane: Pt. I

One of the series I’ve been MOST excited to launch with my brand new blog is called MUNDANE MAGIC.

As I looked back on my time blogging, I realized that one of my favorite things as both a reader and creator has been learning and sharing the small, seemingly mundane moments that remind me what life’s all about. Those magical moments of joy and connection are so much more impactful than whatever is “new” or the “latest and greatest.”

Which brings us to Mundane Magic, which is all about finding magic in the mundane of life, in hopes that we might transform those feelings of dread and gloom into dreams and gratitude.

I haven’t yet decided if this will be weekly or not… Am I supposed to tell you that? 😊 Not sure. Oh well! I think it’d be cute to do Mundane Magic Mondays, but I’m not sure if I’ll do one every week.

Anywho — I’d LOVE if you could leave a comment with something seemingly mundane that sparked magic in your life this week.

Here’s some of the magic I’ve been sensing lately:

WATCHING: Gilmore Girls 👀

I can’t stop talking about Gilmore Girls on my Instagram, and I never expected that so many of you would be mega-fans.

I’m not sure if it’s especially fantastic right now because it seems to be constantly autumn in Stars Hollow or what, but watching the seasons change outside as I’m cuddled up on my couch with Lorelai and Rory inside has been making this time of year especially sweet.

I just met Jess (I’m on Season 2!) AND This Is Us is back with a vengeance… so I’m fully ready for Milo Ventimiglia to take over my life.


I haven’t yet talked about Lover yet on this blog, so let’s get that out of the way!

I am SO enjoying this album. My favorites are Lover, I Think He Knows, Cornelia Street, Death By A Thousand Cuts, London Boy, Afterglow, and Daylight… and that was me being PICKY!

Do you have favorites? Should I do a track-by-track? I’ve been thinking about it.

One of my favorite things I’ve done over the last few weeks was one warm evening when my friend and I drove through the countryside blasting the album at sunset. It reminded me of being in high school — Those contagious, addictive, completely giddy, magical moments.

SMELLING: Warm Summer Nights 👃

Growing up in California, summers were hot and dry. When I lived by the beach, they were about the same, just a bit saltier.

Nothing can prepare you for a summer in the south. No book I’ve read, no description I’ve heard, nothing.

Getting off the plane back from visiting my parents, the first thing I wanted to do was step outside those airport doors into the hot, humid air that somehow carries absolutely every fragrance of every single flower within a 50 mile radius.

I already know that if we do end up back in California next year, this will be the number one thing I miss. Other than my friends of course!

EATING: TJ’s Pumpkin Treats 👄

Aaron has officially declared fall in our home with the first of MANY pumpkin treats. We have been obsessed with the Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins. This mix can also make bread, but it takes a bit longer.

This section will probably a full of holiday references for the next few months!

HUGGING: My friend’s new puppy! 👏

My friends recently got an ADORABLE Golden Retriever named Leo.

I’ve never been an animal person, and I’ve made this aggressively clear. But BOY, did I get HUMBLED this year by two pups that looked straight into my soul and said, “Try not to love me. I dare you.” Leo is one of them.

A few weeks ago, my friends were on a walk with him and stopped by my house. It was atrociously humid and the poor precious thing was fighting between the urge to keep exploring and the desire to collapse at home on his cozy bed. Been there. I brought out some water in a little bowl and he lapped it up instantly. I wish I could say my motives had been pure. But this was clearly a desperate attempt to declare myself as the Cool Aunt.

When I was out of town a few weeks ago, Leo’s momma texted me a photo of him sitting on my doorstep. Despite the fact that all the houses in my neighborhood look EXACTLY THE SAME, his little puppy instincts told him where I lived and how much he loved me with his entire heart. Or however that works.

I was WRONG about pets, okay?! I was WRONG.

Where are you finding magic in the mundane these days?

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