Over the last week, I “muted” my personal content on Instagram and the blog in honor of the life of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests happening around the world. I took time to educate myself on anti-racism and discuss these atrocities with my community. I’ve learned a whole lot from these experiences and am looking forward to continuing this journey – there is still SO much to learn – but when Monday rolled around I realized that I was still not quite ready to “return” to my own content. There is more I want to learn, think about, and sit with. And I’m really enjoying listening to others and using my platform to elevate their voices.
One of the ways I want to use this space moving forward is to celebrate and share BIPOC voices, and today I will be highlighting ten Black creators to follow that I absolutely adore. I’ve followed a few for some time and others I discovered this week. It was hard to get this down to just ten, so I will definitely be continuing this Creators To Follow series moving forward!
Before you hit “follow,” take some time to get to know these women and learn their names and stories.
Creators To Follow:
Auntie Paula of Hillhouse Vintage
This woman has had quite the year. I did a deep dive (a nice way to say, I stalked her) and absolutely loved reading her NYT feature as well as the many other interviews you can find via her Instagram. Every image and word she shares is full of hope and joy. She’s definitely got that “magic in the mundane” vibe that you KNOW I love! Also, her STYLE IS A DREAM COME TRUE.
Sade Solomon
I discovered Sade a while back and fell in love with her colorful wardrobe. Her stunning photos look so effortless (although, I would NOT look effortless in some of these poses and set-ups, which just goes to show her natural talent!) and her captions are full of so much depth. Her account is also great for home decor inspo (those orange chairs!!!).
Kiara of The Banana Moon
I am a new fan of Kiara’s and am thrilled to be following her journey. She goes deep right away, but it’s clear she has practice with her boundaries and is dripping with wisdom and humility. There aren’t enough people like this online – that careful balance is incredibly hard to find. She’s truly a diamond in the rough!
Candace Read

You likely saw one of Candance’s IGTV videos over the past week shared to someone’s stories. They were moving and powerful in the best way – incredibly specific and still completely universal. What I love most about Candace is she’s spitting truth one minute and then showing you really cute shoes the next!!
Thamarr of Musings Of A Curvy Lady
I found Thamarr through her friend Carla, another account I LOVE. I think they should do a podcast or something together – They’d be fun to listen to! Anyways, Thamarr is a nurse so she’s currently an essential worker in addition to serving us FANTASTIC content on the daily. How does she do it?? I do not know. But I thoroughly appreciate her style, smile, and love for pink. One of those creators that just always makes you feel good!
Janea of Jnay Daily
The house. The house is PERFECT. But also, her smile! Her encouraging words! Ugh. There’s just so much beauty. She makes everything look simple and effortless. She has an amazing sense of humor. She has a million plants. She makes the trends look like she started them!!! Such a fan.
Fatima of Style Fit Fatty
Photo by Lizzyography
Fatima’s stories of the racism she’s endured throughout her life led me to her page, and it seems she’s FULL of stories (she wrote a book!). Her stories are raw and real and incredibly moving. She also shares her cute family and fitness inspiration! I’ve found her content so encouraging and love reading her words.
Ruthie Ridley
Ruthie is so lovely! She recently did an introduction post that I highly recommend checking out. But I actually found her through this post. Her attitude is so sunny and joyful and REAL. I love reading her take on just about anything and SO look forward to seeing where life takes her!
Noelle Boyer

I’m so happy to have found Noelle’s blog through her Instagram! She shares about being a mother and military wife and a whole lot more. I’m not either of those things, but the way she writes could resonate with just about anyone. Such a beautiful soul!
Victoria Price

Last, but CERTAINLY not least, Victoria! She not only runs her own account, but she is also a creator for Claim Our Space Now. Make sure to check that out as well!! She’s such a talented wordsmith, SO confident, and just one of those people with a voice you know you can trust (Did I say confident?!).
I hope you love all of these creators as much as I do! It was so much fun learning more about them and putting this together. Stay tuned for more creators to follow!